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I’m excited to be hosting the 68th edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday this month.   For those not familiar with the concept, Wine Blogging Wednesday is a virtual gathering of wine bloggers from around the world who taste wine based on a common theme each month.  Lenny Thompson of New York Cork Report fame started WBW way back in 2004 – 67 months ago!

Our theme for April’s Wine Blogging Wednesday 68 – Got Gamay? (my apologies for the cheesy cliché title, my capacity for creativity is limited…)

Selecting the topic for this month topic was an easy decision as I’ve developed quite a Cru Beaujolais fetish over the last couple of years.  My penchant for the Cru version of Gamay was born from a tasting at Terrior Wine Merchants in late ‘08, and has continued to grow in my travels as I scour small wine shops in search of gems imported by Kermit Lynch and Louis/Dressner.

On Details…

Gamay is grown throughout the world – in Canada, Australia, a little in Northern California, is showing up in Oregon’s Willamette Valley, extensively grown in the Loire Valley and most notably in the Beaujolais region of France.  Often overlooked and underestimated, Gamay is unfortunately best know as the grape that produces Beaujolais Nouveau, popularized by George Duboeuf.

Although Gamay tends to produce approachable, fruity, high acidity, low tannic wines where ever it grows, the most notable expression of Gamay comes from the ten Crus of the Beaujolais region.

On Rules…

Stop by your local wine shop – pick up a bottle or two of Gamay-based wine, drink it, think about it, stare at it, and share your thoughts about it in written form.  If you’re new to the wonderful world of Gamay, look for wines from your region first.  If you’re unable to find a local Gamay, search out imports from Lynch and Dressner.  If you’re a Gamay fan, please try a new one that you’ve never had before – especially one that’s rare and/or quirky.

Then, on or before Wednesday, April 21st write about your Gamay tasting experience and post it on your blog, or in the comments section here.  Since we are an all-inclusive group, I encourage you to participate even if you don’t have a blog.  You can email me your tasting notes, and I’ll include them in the WBW 68 roundup.

On Exceeding Expectations…

Extra credit is possible.  Pair your Gamay of choice with a meal and include photos and tasting notes.  Or, have a group tasting with friends, or people pretending to be your friend just to drink your wine.  We plan to have a get together here at Chateau Morgan for the event – game hens and Cru Beaujolais.  (If you’re in the Virginia Beach area please let me know, you’ll be welcome to join us). The blogger with the most unique and creative WBW 68 post wins the prize…
