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As a follow up to Saturday’s post on Virginia’s top vinifera, it seems appropriate to post a list of Virginia’s top hybrids to provide additional context and details on two hybrids that will likely play an important role in Virginia wine in the coming years.

According to 2008 Virginia wine production statistics, top ‘hybrids’ in terms of production:

  • Vidal Blanc (497 tons produced) A mere 5% growth over 2007 production
  • Chambourcin (225 tons produced) 29% growth over 2007 production
  • Traminette (220 tons produced) A whoppin’ 42% year-over-year production growth

I get the large amount of Vidal Blanc production – for the most part vidal produces ‘crowd pleasers.’  Here in Virginia the grape can (does) reach high sugar levels while maintaining respectable acid levels. I get that.  However, I just don’t get the growth of Chambourcin or Traminette production here in Virginia.

Though I am not a fan of either Traminette or Chambourcin, the best example of Chambourcin that I’ve had is the Hume Vineyards 2009 Chambourcin.  My friends at Swirl, Sip, Snark blog are avid Chambourcin fans so I’m hoping they will bring their favorite

When the 2009 Virginia grape production statistics are released, it will be interesting to see if the growth rates of both Chambourcin and Traminette continue.


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